You will likely have to install it through a. Installation instructions for the Ultimate Collection should be on the site you download it from. You may be able to find the original disks on sites such as eBay or in second-hand game stores or yard sales.
I'm not sure if that counts as piracy on this sub, so I will refrain from linking these sites on this post, but you can message me for links until this is clarified. The Sims 2 is now considered abandonware, meaning it is no longer supported or available for purchase. After this ended, many were still able to receive copies by contacting EA support. In 2014, EA gave out The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection, which included every DLC, on Origin to any players who had a disk code. Ultimate Collection (a complete digital edtion) Some adjustments are needed to have the game function properly on newer setups.
The Sims 2 is nearing its 15th birthday! Technology has changed a lot since the game was created. If you have suggestions, please comment and I will add it! This is an attempt to gather helpful guides concerning The Sims 2 in one post for your convenience.